International Cooperation & Transnational Projects
The European unification process, the opening of formerly rigid borders between east and west, the increasing mobility between the individual European regions, the interest in their cultural diversity and the willingness to get involved and embrace this diversity for the sake of an open future has been essential factors for the international cooperation activities of bsj Marburg.
Our aim in this cooperation is to (further) develop a pedagogical practice that is driven by the educational potential existing in adventure and the challenges of natural situations in order to support especially those groups of young people that need particular support due to their social situation or physical or mental handicaps, so that they can participate and develop their autonomous personality.
In the last 20 years bsj Marburg has been involved in several transnational projects – as a reliable partner and initiator of youth meeting programs, Job-Shadowing activities, training courses and innovative projects. Since 1996 bsj is member of the EOE-Network (European Institute for Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning